Jinifit - Jini Cicero

Out and About

A fencer is born

Wedding At City Hall

Over the years, most women have come to know the phrase “we got married at city hall,” would be met by a thumbs down, and a, “oh you poor thing, why?” type of response from friends and family.

Until last weekend, I had the same feeling toward the idea of getting-married-at-city-hall. That is until I attended my friend Cheryl’s beautiful wedding at The Pasadena City Hall. Technically, yes, it was City Hall. But it was anything but city hall.

It was a lovely wedding. The venue was perfectly gorgeous (as was the bride); glowing even, as the sun set and the music kicked-up.

Cheryl is a nutritionist and I absolutely commend her for hosting a beautiful wedding that was right in line with her values, all the way. Long tables were set with centerpieces consisting of piles of colorful, fresh, raw vegetables interspersed with slices of baguette from one end of the table to the other. In front of each guest was a beautiful, freshly cut, giant banana leaf that served as a plate. Skewered protein (beef and chicken) made the rounds via servers as did platters of fresh roasted vegetables. Wine was served with dinner and it was all very creative, beautifully presented and served in full alignment with everything Cheryl believes in (right down to only having stevia and sugar-in-the-raw available to sweeten coffee.)

As you can tell (see photo), I had a fabulous time….right down to the cupcakes I felt I had earned having been so virtuous during dinner.

When it comes to eating clean, the 80/20 rule has served me well. 80 percent of this meal was one hundred percent healthy (thanks to Cheryl’s careful planning) and the other 20 percent?...one regular and one mini, delicious cupcake. I needed nothing more.